Category Archives: marriage

Toilet seat tactics

Up or down?

One of the first things you may have to face when you move in together is this age old war: Up or down?

Man vs Woman- the battle of the genders is perhaps no more apparent than in the decision of where to leave the toilet seat. Between couples and on internet forums it seems toilet etiquette can be a heated subject.

However, as my sister pointed out to me the other day, people generally miss the point with this battle. Her logic is this:

  • In a two-person household, if you have just been to the loo, statistically its most likely that the next person to use it will be your other half.
  • Therefore, if you want toilet seat harmony in your household, the answer is neither ‘up’ nor ‘down’ but rather- leave it the opposite way to the way you just used it.
  • If both people think of the other person first, and leave it like this, your other half will always feel happy that you thought of them, and you will always find the seat the way you like it. Win-win!
  • If its not the right way round when you get there, you can just assume that they haven’t used the loo and it was you that left it that way- so no grump at them.

Revolutionary! Seriously though, I think this small example speaks volumes for the way we should be approaching marriage: It is not a battle. Being ‘right’ or ‘winning’ is not the goal. Rather, we should* be looking out for each other and serving each other sacrificially- that’s how you both ‘win’ (One ‘winner’ in a marriage is never a good sign). I have blogged about this before when I talked about lessons learnt in marriage prep and what it means to ‘love cherish and submit’, but its weird how my sisters comments on toilets just consolidated even more in my mind the principles I’d been thinking about.

In short, loos may seem trivial, but maybe there’s a profound lesson to be learnt in toilet seat tactics.   *Easier said than done- but never the less what we’re aiming for!

For some silly toilet seat fun to keep you smiling (up or down)- this crazy cow is available from

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Filed under first home, marriage, newly wed